首页研究分泌机制 › 《Cell》发表外泌体大牛Théry C最新综述——通过胞外囊泡通讯:我们在哪里,我们要去哪里

《Cell》发表外泌体大牛Théry C最新综述——通过胞外囊泡通讯:我们在哪里,我们要去哪里


法国居里研究院的Théry C是当今胞外囊泡与外泌体研究领域的世界顶级大牛,最新一期的Cell发表了他和Tkach M的一篇综述,2015年胞外囊泡与外泌体以三篇Nature文章引起巨大轰动,相信2016年伊始的这篇Cell文章会继续引航今年胞外囊泡与外泌体研究领域的火热之风!



In multicellular organisms, distant cells can exchange information by sending out signals composed of single molecules or, as increasingly exemplified in the literature, via complex packets stuffed with a selection of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, called extracellular vesicles (EVs; also known as exosomes and microvesicles, among other names). This Review covers some of the most striking functions described for EV secretion but also presents the limitations on our knowledge of their physiological roles. While there are initial indications that EV-mediated pathways operate in vivo, the actual nature of the EVs involved in these effects still needs to be clarified. Here, we focus on the context of tumor cells and their microenvironment, but similar results and challenges apply to all patho/physiological systems in which EV-mediated communication is proposed to take place.

外泌体资讯网 《Cell》发表外泌体大牛Théry C最新综述——通过胞外囊泡通讯:我们在哪里,我们要去哪里

